Google Earth Pro 4.2
Posted On Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at at 1:24 AM by HUL2000Google Earth Pro 4.2

Google Earth combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and you’ll zoom right in.Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings, or look up to explore the skySave and share your searches and favorites.
Since Google Earth was launched, users have been exploring our world and creating content overlays (KML files) to share their explorations with others. We're now highlighting user-created KML files each week in the new Google Earth Gallery.
With Google Earth Pro, it’s easy to research locations and present your discoveries. In just a few clicks, you can import site plans, property lists or client sites and share the view with your client or colleague. You can even export high-quality images to documents or the web.

New Feature!!!!!!!! Explore the sky with Google Earth:
Whether you’re an astronomer or stargazer, Sky in Google Earth brings millions of stars and galaxies to your fingertips.
Since Google Earth was launched, users have been exploring our world and creating content overlays (KML files) to share their explorations with others. We're now highlighting user-created KML files each week in the new Google Earth Gallery.
With Google Earth Pro, it’s easy to research locations and present your discoveries. In just a few clicks, you can import site plans, property lists or client sites and share the view with your client or colleague. You can even export high-quality images to documents or the web.

New Feature!!!!!!!! Explore the sky with Google Earth:
Whether you’re an astronomer or stargazer, Sky in Google Earth brings millions of stars and galaxies to your fingertips.
Official Google Earth Website
Download Google Earth Free Version
Google Earth Pro Product Page
Download Google Earth Pro + Crack
Download Link 1
Download Link 2
Download Link 3
Thanks AUK, for the links